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Kyneton Community Lunch

Come and share in delicious food and excellent company at our weekly community lunches.

This program is run in partnership with Little Swallow Dinners.

$7 donation- Everybody Welcome!

Good Food Hub, 35 High Street. Lunch is served at 12:30. Every Wednesday during school term.

If you have a group of people attending please book by emailing

or phone the House on 5422 3433.

The team also run various fundraising events throughout the year, so keep your ear to the ground and join the community for these fun celebrations.

We're always looking for food donations and volunteers to help make our community lunches a success!


KCH Catering

Tasty food from our kitchen to your table for meetings, workshops, functions and events.

To submit an enquiry simply fill in your details below, or download and print our catering request form and submit it directly to the centre!

Select an option
Type Of Function*


Do you require any of the following?

Thanks for submitting your catering enquiry. A member of our team will be in touch to confirm your booking ASAP.

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