Our House
Strongly driven by community development principles Our House is Your House.
Kyneton Community House is here to offer all Kyneton folk a chance to join in however suits them best!
Community Programs and Projects
Community programs and projects at KCH are developed to cover a lot of bases. With such a diverse and driven community we try to cater to a varied audience as much as possible.
Anyone can participate wherever they feel comfortable in a supported and welcoming environment.

Our Facilities
In addition to our community development programs, we offer multiple practical facilities for the community’s general use.

Recycle your Bottle Caps, Bread Tags, Household batteries, Small e-waste, Mobile Phones, Xrays and small Printer Cartridges in the tubs provided by MRSC.
Book Swap
Needing something new to read?
Come take, swap or borrow a book from our Library.
Party Hire Kit
Tech Support
Contact us to enquire about assistance in using your computer, phone or tablet.
Food Support
We are able to supply ready meals on an as needs basis. Get in touch to enquire.
Coming Soon! Reduce waste and save money with our reusable party kits. Each kit contains plastic plates, bowls, cutlery, cups and more. Wash the kit after use and return it to the House to be used again and again. Bookings essential.