Digital Literacy
If you’ve been wondering about how to improve your digital skills and get online, but feeling stressed and confused about how to do it. We can help.
Kyneton Community House is pleased to be involved with the Be Connected Program which is an Australian government initiative committed to increasing the confidence, skills and online safety of older Australians. Be Connected aims to empower everyone to use the internet and everyday technology to thrive in our digital world.
Kyneton Community House is currently offering one on one sessions to people who need basic support and tuition to use their devices more effectively.
Our trained digital mentors can help you:
Change and understand your phone/ device settings
Use social media
Talk to or see family and friends who live far away
Attend online meetings
Link in with local groups
Navigate websites and Google
Keep safe while online

All sessions are at your own pace and directed entirely by the learner so it’s a fun and relaxed experience.
Talk to us about loaning a device (Laptop or IPad) to learn on.
Give us a call on 5422 3433 for more information or to book a one-on-one appointment.
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